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Bring Family Understanding: Explanation of Personality Types

Bring Family Understanding: Explanation of Personality Types

One of the most fundamental breakdowns for families is in the area of communication as we fail to understand the different personalities in our family. “Why can’t you be more like me?” is often the sentiment, whether verbalized or not.

To combat these challenges, this guide will help give you an explanation of basic personality types and how you can use those to foster greater understanding. 


Core Personality Types Explanation

There are many personality tests you can take, but they all usually center around some core ideas like how you relate to people, the way you see the world, the pace in which you live life. Let’s examine more of these types, and see if you can identify yourself and your family members in any of these. 

Remember, personality is not good or bad, so being on one side of the scale or the other is not a value judgment. It simply is information. Most people will not fall at the extremes of these scales, so use this to help rate where you might land on the continuum.

Understanding Pace Related Personality Traits

The first area of personality types often is related to the pace in which you tend to operate. Think about it on a continuum between these two:

  • Fast-paced: On this side of the continuum is a person who prefers to move quickly. They tend to thrive in change and new things since that is the speed they like to operate at. They can have a lot of balls in the air without feeling too stressed.
  • Steady/consistent: On the other end of the spectrum is a person who does best with a consistent, structured environment. They are methodical and like to focus on one thing at a time. They thrive with routines and the certainty that brings.

Understanding Perspective Related Personality Traits

How people tend to see the world informs another part of personality in whether they tend to look big picture or are more granular. Consider a continuum between these two:

  • Big Picture: With this side of the personality trait, this person tends to think more outside of the box. They chase big dreams and see all the possibilities. They think a lot about the future and new ideas.
  • Detail/get it right: On the other side, this person tends to be focused on the details and how to get it right. They can have a unique approach to creativity because they see all the intricate details that others miss. They want to make sure things are done right and precisely.

Understanding People Related Personality Traits

Another key area of personality is how we relate to others and where we draw our energy from. Consider a continuum between these two:

  • People-oriented: This personality type tends to be energized by time spent in social interactions and a variety of connections. They seek out group settings to recharge. They have a natural ability to engage with others and build many connections quickly.
  • Introverted: This personality type tends to thrive in deep, individual relationships over large social events. They tend to recharge by time away from people. They often are intuitive and sensitive to the people dynamics around them. They may need to process their thoughts internally and need time before opening up to new people.


There are additional areas of personality, but these three types are often where many of the communication issues begin to arise, so starting here with understanding of these personality types can be useful. Take some time to discuss with your spouse or family where they fall on the scales. What else would they add to these personality descriptions or change?

Explaining Personality Types and How to Interact With Them

Now that you have a basic understanding of key areas of personality, you can begin to apply how to adapt and improve your communication.

Personality Type Lessons with Pace

For communicating with personality types who land more on the fast-paced side of the continuum, here are a few keys to pay attention to:

  • Saying “slow down” will not help. Add clarity of what you are needing or trying to accomplish, and set clear parameters around it. “Hey I love that you are chasing down that new idea! Can we meet tomorrow to talk about it? It would be helpful to get more information and make decisions together.”
  • Be concise and clear in communication. Understand that they want to get to the goal and move things forward, not always talking through A-Z, so you have to find compromise on this.

For communicating with personality types who land more on the steady/consistent side of the continuum, here are a few keys to pay attention to:

  • Ask clarifying questions and ensure you are listening to understand, not just move the goal forward. Don’t apply pressure or rush communication if they are needing time. Saying “Hurry up!” does not help.
  • Be willing to evaluate if change truly is necessary, and if so, how can you help make that transition less chaotic. Seek to help them create structure.

Personality Type Lessons with Perspective

For communicating with personality types who land more on the big-picture side of the continuum, here are a few keys to pay attention to:

  • Only asking about the details can come across to this personality like you are not supporting their dream. Make sure you add clarity to your communication like “Hey can I ask a few questions? I want to make sure I am understanding ___.” so they know what you are seeking to get out of it. Balance critique with affirmation.
  • Understand that they may struggle with structure and follow through. When you need to get something done, think about how to clearly define the role or task they need to do, and set expectations.

For communicating with personality types who land more on the detailed side of the continuum, here are a few keys to pay attention to:

  • Allow them time to process and work to provide clear information on what you are needing them to consider or decide. For example, setting a specific time to meet and letting them know when the decision needs to occur can be helpful.
  • If things are feeling disorganized and chaotic, it can make this personality type frustrated or overwhelmed and tend to shut down. Work to minimize these frustrations in order to have productive conversations, rather than running ahead without them.

Personality Type Lessons with People Orientation

For communicating with personality types who land more on the extroverted side of the continuum, here are a few keys to pay attention to:

  • Understand their desire to connect or be included can often drive their interactions. Sometimes they might need reminders on the goals you’re trying to accomplish.
  • They tend to need appreciation and recognition, so these are helpful ways to affirm the relationship.

For communicating with personality types who land more on the introverted side of the continuum, here are a few keys to pay attention to:

  • Respect the way they need to recharge and help create that space for them. Saying “Why can’t you be like me?” is one of the most common communication mistakes made with this personality type. Being extroverted is not a superior trait, and we need to respect the way each person is created.
  • Ask for their input and observations of a situation to see what dynamics they may have noticed. Their intuitiveness can help catch things others might have missed.


Across all the different personality traits, ultimately it comes down to investing the time to understand one another. Use an explanation of personality types to prompt you to go further in the questions you need to understand. Ask about what would help in situations, how you could have done better, what made something challenging, what would they prefer etc. Staying curious, not attacking or treating one version as better, will help you continue to deepen your family relationships.

Why Understanding Personality Types Matters

At the end of the day, you can’t communicate without trust and mutual respect and understanding. And that understanding starts with knowing how your family members are wired, digging into that explanation of personality types. As we lose the “why can’t you be more like me?” attitude and find how you all support each other, it opens up a whole new world not just of understanding but of incredible ways to function as a cohesive team. That’s where real change and connection happen!

Looking for next steps on how to keep building understanding? Watch our short training video here!

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