Build A Strong Multi-Generational Family

Find the Christian family resources you need.

Strong Families. Strong Legacies.

Taking a multi-generational approach to family is a journey well worth it. No matter the season, we are here to equip you with the tools you need. From a community who will pray for you to expert training, you will find the Christian family resources you need here.

Our Services & Family Resources

Explore more how our ministry can serve your family and its next steps here.

Get started with email community

We always tell families that the biggest mistake we see simply is failing to start. Don’t let your family legacy journey just be a “hope for the best” approach. If you need a simple place to begin, join “The Multi-Generational”, our email community where you’ll receive regular training and encouragement. 

Read the latest on our blog

Helping Your Family Succeed Today and for Generations.


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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit eleifend lectus, vitae pellentesque lectus molestie sit amet.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit eleifend lectus, vitae pellentesque lectus molestie sit amet.

Example Specialty

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit eleifend lectus, vitae pellentesque lectus molestie sit amet.

3 min read

A Guide to Understanding Family Communication Styles

Communication is a fundamental skill, and yet it is also a downfall for many families. Understanding family...
2 min read

3 Principles of a Biblical Family

As you lead your family, having a clear biblical standard can make all the difference, so let’s talk about what...
2 min read

Building an Interdependent Family System

As society has changed, our family systems have adapted as well. Independence and individualism are common traits that...

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Nam sagittis non sapien vitae cursus. Vivamus dapibus interdum metus vitae cursus. Pellentesque gravida eu elit a malesuada. Aenean vitae ipsum velit. Etiam porta purus sed tincidunt convallis.

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John Smith
Director of Marketing


As a nonprofit ministry, we exist to equip families for lasting success. Through the generosity of our donors, we are able to continue to expand the expert training and global reach. Learn more about how you can support this work here.

When families thrive, the world changes for the better.