Build A Strong Multi-Generational Family

Find the Christian family resources you need.

Strong Families. Strong Legacies.

Taking a multi-generational approach to family is a journey well worth it. No matter the season, we are here to equip you with the tools you need. From a community who will pray for you to expert training, you will find the Christian family resources you need here.

Our Services & Family Resources

Explore more how our ministry can serve your family and its next steps here.

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Family Legacy Course

Through this family course, you will walk through a process of building an understanding of the biblical purpose of family and then step into a phase of identifying and creating your own family roadmap.

Discover more about the Family Legacy Study.

Set Your Family up to Win

Enjoy a FREE 3-part video series and discussion questions where your family will learn how to basic tools to succeed from a biblical perspective. 

Set your family, and the generations to come, up for success.

Read the latest on our blog

Helping Your Family Succeed Today and for Generations.


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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit eleifend lectus, vitae pellentesque lectus molestie sit amet.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit eleifend lectus, vitae pellentesque lectus molestie sit amet.

Example Specialty

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque hendrerit eleifend lectus, vitae pellentesque lectus molestie sit amet.

2 min read

Explaining What a Vision Statement is to Young Children

How Are You Planting Seeds That Your Kids Will Understand? Imagine standing in your backyard with your children, seeds...
3 min read

How to Have a Powerful Vision as a Single Christian Parent

Single Christian parenting comes with unique challenges, but it also presents incredible opportunities to lead with...
3 min read

4 How-To’s When Creating Your Family’s Vision Statement

As a parent, you have likely defined what kind of atmosphere you want to raise your kids in; a loving and comforting...

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John Smith
Director of Marketing

Get started with email community

The biggest mistake we see in families is simply failing to start. Don’t let your legacy journey be a “hope for the best” approach. Join “The Multi-Generational,” our email community, for training and encouragement.