Identifying Family Values Conversation Guide Worksheet
Establishing values as a family can give your family anchor points to keep you all grounded on what matters most. If you want to begin to walk...
You’ve done the hard work of starting the drafts of your family’s values, but now what? Actually presenting these and achieving buy-in can take time and ongoing conversations.
In this guide, we will walk you through different ways you can introduce values to your family depending on the stage of life you are currently in. And we’d encourage you to read through all the stages– many of these insights can be applicable in different ways to your own current season.
At this stage, you hold a position of authority and influence by default with your children so the initial sharing of values is simpler. The important things to focus on here are how to make sure it is integrated so they will remember it into the seasons ahead.
During this stage, your children are moving beyond the care-giving stage and exploring independence. Here is a time where it will be important not to force this concept on your family but to open up conversations and create agreement around shared practices. Allow opportunities for your children to participate in the process and still use the opportunity for guidance as well.
As your children step into adulthood and begin to leave the home, they are in a transitional moment of learning to live from the foundation that has been instilled but also beginning to make it their own. If you are just now beginning the process of articulating values for your family, it can become a valuable way to help your children navigate their own stages of forming identity.
With your adult children who may be busy with their own families, in-laws, or careers, integrating values as a family can become a helpful way to reconnect. You get to be a coach in this season of life, available for advice and living out your values as a model.
If you are introducing values for the first time with grown children, it’s important to reframe your perspective here on the opportunity. You might not have the early formative years, but teaching values now can help give your children their own roadmap they can use within their families. Or depending on where your family is at relationally, values may be the way for you to pave a path to restoration first. Be willing to step back and acknowledge where the current journey is at and how you can grow together.
Visit our partners at 7th Gen for an online workshop that will guide you through the process of completing your family's very own values, vision, and mission statements.
Establishing values as a family can give your family anchor points to keep you all grounded on what matters most. If you want to begin to walk...
Part of your family growth starts with knowing what questions to ask your family to get the conversation going on important topics. Use our...
When it comes to establishing core values as a family, one of the common challenges is turning values into tools that actually transform behaviors....