Stay Connected as a Family




1 Prayer + 1 Conversation Starter

Once a week, you'll get a prayer to follow and conversation starter to help you connect as a family.
It's the perfect starting point to build a strong family, and you'll receive helpful pointers with these weekly prompts to keep progressing.


From the Blog

Discover the latest insights from Legacy Stone.

4 Ways to Start Thinking Generationally for Raising the Future

As parents, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind with school drop-offs, activities, dinner, homework, baths,...

What Does a Vision Statement Include?

What Do You Need to Include in a Vision Statement? What does a vision statement include? How long should a vision...

Explaining What a Vision Statement is to Young Children

How Are You Planting Seeds That Your Kids Will Understand? Imagine standing in your backyard with your children, seeds...