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What's the Role of a Father's Legacy?

What's the Role of a Father's Legacy?

This post is written by our guest, Kevin Goodnight, of Dadvoted. Kevin leads this ministry to inspire fathers to become more devoted in passion, purpose, and mission with their families.


A recent stat shocked me. Approximately, 70% of college freshmen will walk away from their faith in their first year of college. Let me reiterate that this is 70% of believers! We just had senior Sunday at our church and all I could think about is that 28 of the 40 students on stage wouldn’t be following Jesus in just a few months based on this stat. 

What does this have to do with a father’s legacy? Well, everything. The father’s role in the family has been skewed over many years to that of mainly playing provider. As fathers, we work hard, as we were called to do, but we were also called to lead the family spiritually to provide a firm foundation.  

As the Father Goes

This isn’t just about church attendance by any means as there is an even broader perspective. I love the church, and I cherish our church leaders, especially our youth pastors, but church represents less than 1% of our week. The other 99% is up to us as fathers.  

I mostly agree with the saying “more is caught than taught,” similar to the saying “preach the gospel at all times and if possible, use words.” Your life should embody and embrace the spiritual walk that shows that you have been redeemed, but at some point, you do need to teach and you need to use words.  

Deuteronomy 6 says it the best. “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hand and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates” (Deut 6:6-9). 

My challenge to all fathers is to shift from a retirement mindset to that of a legacy mindset by making spiritual transactions today that will exponentially impact not only the generation you are raising but in every generation to follow. This will help eliminate the stat above and secure the most lasting and precious legacy of all.  

A Father’s Legacy Charge

So where can you start today as a father? Simply with your words. Your words hold so much power. James references this in scripture comparing the tongue to a spark that can light a forest on fire. But as legacy-leaving fathers, we view our words as life giving- words that inspire, empower and confirm the identity of dearly loved children.  

So I charge you today to write letters to each of your children this Father’s Day. Put aside any guilt or shame of past mistakes and share your heart with your child regardless if they are 2 or 42. Each will be different, but I promise they will be foundational and so rich. Let’s love big and walk as we were called!

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